B-26C-45-MO Serial Number 42-107719 "S.S.F.F." FW-A
387th Bomb Group 556th Bomb Squadron

Flew 37 sorties between October 6, 1944 and April 26, 1945 and Survived the war

S.S.F.F. was inspired by this 1945
Mutoscope card by Zoe Mozert.

2nd Lt. Curtis I Brooker O-824091 in from of S.S.F.F.
Fetzer also listed the various interpretations of the name: S.S.F.F.
(1)- "Started Second, Finished First,"
(2)-Started Slipped, Farted & Fell,"
(3)- Staff Sergeant Frank Fetzer," and last,
(4)- "Started Sucking, Finished F------."
His number (2) version was the widely accepted one.

Frank Fetzer ancestry
October 1944 USAAF Overseas Accident Reports
Date     Aircraft Type Serial Number Sqdn   Group Home Base AF Action D  Pilot               Country US State Location 
441028   B-26C         42-107719     556BS  387BG A71       9  TAC    3  Campbell, Mansel R  FRA              Romilly  
Taxiing ACcident

D = Damage
D – Damage to aircraft. 1 is minor damage and 4 or 5 means completely destroyed. 
Initially, the Air Force used a scale of 1 to 5 for damage, 
but toward the end of 1944 the scale was changed to 1 to 4; however a 5 was still occasionally used. 
Also, 0 is sometimes used to indicate no damage.

created: 06-13-2010
Last Update: .