B-26C-45-MO Serial Number 42-107719 "S.S.F.F." FW-A |
Flew 37 sorties between October 6, 1944 and April 26, 1945 and Survived the war | |
S.S.F.F. was inspired by this 1945 Mutoscope card by Zoe Mozert. |
2nd Lt. Curtis I Brooker O-824091 in from of S.S.F.F. |
http://387bg.com/Aircraft/B-26%20S.S.F.F.htm Fetzer also listed the various interpretations of the name: S.S.F.F. (1)- "Started Second, Finished First," (2)-Started Slipped, Farted & Fell," (3)- Staff Sergeant Frank Fetzer," and last, (4)- "Started Sucking, Finished F------." His number (2) version was the widely accepted one. Frank Fetzer ancestry |
http://www.aviationarchaeology.com/src/AARmonthly/Oct1944O.htm October 1944 USAAF Overseas Accident Reports Date Aircraft Type Serial Number Sqdn Group Home Base AF Action D Pilot Country US State Location 441028 B-26C 42-107719 556BS 387BG A71 9 TAC 3 Campbell, Mansel R FRA Romilly Taxiing ACcident D = Damage D – Damage to aircraft. 1 is minor damage and 4 or 5 means completely destroyed. Initially, the Air Force used a scale of 1 to 5 for damage, but toward the end of 1944 the scale was changed to 1 to 4; however a 5 was still occasionally used. Also, 0 is sometimes used to indicate no damage. |