Commo Restoration
Battery 519, Fort Miles, June 5-7 2009

Outside Battery 519. Compare photos below to this one
Completed trench
Leading to Muffler Gallery
Completed trench
Leading to Power Pole
Completed trench
Leading to Power Pole
View of old pole remains.
Remains highlighted in large image
Closeup of remains of old pole. Modern cable went to a lead splice.
The rusted pipe is the old end of the conduit we rerouted.
Closeup of inside of new
terminal box on power pole
Part of the commo project
in the barracks area

Inside Battery 519
Pulling new cable
Pulling cables from pit in south hall
to pit under Terminal block 2
Zoom in view in the hallway
while pulling new cables
Zoom out view in the hallway
while pulling new cables

North Central Signal Handhole and Terminal Block 2
Pit under Terminal block 2
just north of central hallway steps
Terminal block 2 in recess
with pit just under it.
Plate in place on pit
under Terminal block 2
Terminal block 2 rewired

South Central Signal Handhole
Commo pit
just south of latrines
Commo recess and pit
just south of latrines

South Signal Handhole
South hall commo pit John's plate lifter
over south hall commo pit

South Wall Signal Recess
Cables in recess
After June 2009 Commo work
Interpretive Display
December 12th, 2009

Diagram of conduits in recesses.

South Gun Room and Muffler Gallery
12"/50 cal in south gun room EE-91 rack in south gun room Conduit and modern cable
in muffler gallery

Created: 06-09-2009
Last Update: .