Christian Survival List
- Outdoor cargo pants - 2-3 pairs
- Outdoor shorts - 2-3 pairs
- Men underwear - 5 pair
- Women underwear - 10 pair
- Hat
- Outdoor jacket with cold weather insert
- Gloves - cold weather/workk/thin ones to wear in summer
- Outdoor shoes (hiking) - 2-3 pairs
- Shirts - 3-5 with or without markings
- Socks - 6 pairs calf length
- Long johns?
- Backpack (hiking) - big one or biggest you can carry
- Water canteens - minimum of 2
- Tent 10 man size (per family)
- Shovel - coldsteel specialforces 2(per family)
- Machetes - 2-3 coldsteel or s.o.g.
- Tomohawk - 1(per family)
- Camp axe - 1(per family)
- Fixed blade knives - 2-3 full tang 2 midsize 1 large
- Pruning saw 2 2foot blades (6)
- Handheld folding pruning saw
- Camping frying pan
- Camping cooking pots (small portable)
- Coffee purculator
- Camping utensils - cooking/eating
- Camping tea kettle?
- Sleeping bag - compact to put in pack easier
- Fleece sleeping bag
- Fire starters stones - 3
- Multi-tools - 2-3
- Telescopics fishing rods - 2 extra reels and string
- Filet knife
- Wind up flash light - 2-3
- Baby wipes - as many as you can carry
- Guns - shotgun, game load/ double 00 buck / slugs
- Rifle - if you can shoot one if not stay with shotgun
- Pistol - if you can shoot one
- Ammo as much as you can carry
- Magazines for weapons
- Carry bag for ammo and or extra magazines
- Small to midsize tactical pack to use when not using hiking pack
- Food - canned or MRE's (meals ready to eat)
- Military style can opener - 2-3
- Coffee/tea if you drink it
- Cloths lines - 6
- Roll 550 paracord
- Camo tarp 10'x12' at least
- 3in1 oil for guns - good many bottles
- Old cleaning rags - extras
- Barrel swabs
- Otis cleaning kit
- Pail to wash cloths in (per family)
- Glasses - sun,reading,everyday use extra pairs,good cases to put them in
- Military style duffle bag to put extra items in
- Bow - long bow or something similiar plenty of arrows, scabbard to carry arrows
- Packets of cream and sugar for coffee/tea
- Camp pillow
- Lantern - solar/wind up
- Feminine items for women / toilet paper
- Pail to wash dishes - 1 (per family)
- Portable shower - 1 (per family)
- Shampoo for bathing - extras
- Soap for cloths
- Camping matress (sleeping pad)
- Towel/wash cloth 1 (per 2 people)
- Flip flops or similar to use when bathing?
- Tooth brushes/paste/picks
- Shaving items? With extra items
- Outdoor coffee cups folding handles 1(per person)?
- Q tips
- Old style baby diapers, items to clean baby's ears and nose
- Safety pins - extras
- Sowing kit - extras
- Bungee cords - extras
- Cotton balls/rubbing alcohol/peroxide - extras
- Medical items for everything medical
- Gladius machete - coldsteel 1
- Dish towel/wash cloth 1 (per family)
- Hand towels - 1 (per family)
- Buy what you can, get important items though
- Everyone in family is going to have to carry something in a backpack
- Set aside packed and ready to leave at a moments notice
- toe/nail clipper
- good size garden wagon to help carry stuff
created 08-28-2014
Last Update: