2016 February to April Switchboard project
Monday 02-15-2016
- -----?
- (breakfast with Mike Rogers at Ocean grill then drive home)
- weekend talks with Mike about not feeling like I do anything at the fort anymore
Tuesday 02-16-2016
- -----?
- (log catchup and playing with range finder calcs in a LV program)
Wednesday 02-17-2016
- -----?
- (puTTY discussion etc with Canaan, rehab addict watching when I got home)
puTTY started Linux/Pi thinking - 05:28 link http://www.avr-developers.com/corefiles/index.html
standard Arduino core files support only a few of the many ATmega microcontroller
Friday 02-19-2016
- 06:58 pics of teletype and manual for Canaan
- 06:59 pics of sunrise
- set up Raspberry PI at field desk in WarRoom midday (Christine and Laura cleaning bedroom)
Sunday 02-21-2016
- -----?
- (oil change over by 11:51/55 and train maintenance)
- 10:04 link change keyboard nationality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1F-TxTPyiM
link great unix reference http://unix.t-a-y-l-o-r.com/VRoptions.html
link siptosis http://www.mhspot.com/sts/siptosis.html
user pi
pw EE*****
run ubuntu type startx
Wednesday 02-24-2016
- -----?
- (solder sucker repair and gems sensor research)
- 17:43 link Incredible PBX for the Raspberry Pi B http://nerdvittles.com/?p=10151
Thursday 02-25-2016
- -----?
- (sphere port condition inventory)
- 13:56 links: https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RaspberryPi - 18:27 link SipToSis Linux Tips http://www.mhspot.com/sts/sts_install_centos.html
- 18:28 link how to setup SipToSis with an ATA http://www.mhspot.com/sts/siptosis_ata_howto.html
Friday 02-26-2016
- -----?
- (Debbie had baby in am and Laura in funk about it all rest of day)
- 10:54 downloaded pic 800px-Telephone_operators_1952.jpg
Saturday 02-27-2016
- -----?
- (I think we spent all day on futon b/c Laura sick)
- 17:09 link Nerd Vittles >> Gotcha-free PBX for PI2 gui http://nerdvittles.com/?p=12233
Sunday 02-28-2016
- -----?
- (another "down" day)
- 07:32 pics of Munch in bed with us
- 09:43 still in bed
- 13:15 on futon
- 16:34 still chilling on futon
- 17:50 sunset from futon
- 20:15 in bed
Saturday 03-05-2016
- Michelle helped with Asterisk install
Monday 03-07-2016
- setup Pi in spherelab with VZW to do updates, then used puTTY, then Canaan and I got VNC to work
- 07:53 downloaded Putty.exe
- 13:09 link https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-raspberry-pi-lesson-7-remote-control-with-vnc/running-vncserver-at-startup
- 14:09 saved image of old onsip on one of ATA's old_onsip_03-07-2016.PNG
Tuesday 03-08-2016
- ------?
- (helped Max fix plumbing leak)
- 09:00 made a list of my webpage files that had asterisk project notes from 2008 03-08-2016a.txt
Wednesday 03-09-2016
- I worked on PI pbx while running tests on sealants program
- 13:09 link https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-raspberry-pi-lesson-7-remote-control-with-vnc/running-vncserver-at-startup
- 13:09 link https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Nano/Basics_Guide#Saving_and_exiting
- 06:37 link https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/ssh/windows.md
- 06:37 link http://nerdvittles.com/?p=6072
- 06:52 link http://elinux.org/RPi_Debian_Auto_Login
- 06:59 link http://plugwash.raspbian.org/logs/index.php?date=2015-03-22
- 07:01 link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RaspberryPi
- 08:08 link https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/vnc/
- 08:17 link http://superuser.com/questions/852610/how-to-tell-which-services-run-at-startup-on-raspberry-pi-raspbian
- 09:41 link http://nerdvittles.com/?p=12764
- 10:07 downloaded Win32DiskImager-0.9.5-install.exe
- 10:21 link http://pbxinaflash.com/community/threads/asterisk-oauth-gv-patches.17277/
- 14:08 downloaded 3CXPhoneforWindows125.msi
- 18:48 link http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+Connect+2+servers
Thursday 03-10-2016
- Pi was ringing extensions before Canaan came in
- 07:37 link http://nerdvittles.com/?s=siptosis
- setup gmail account for pbx
- 09:31 Just a test email... To: bd71pbx@gmail.com (bd71pbx@gmail.com)
- 10:27 link http://www.computerhope.com/unix.htm
- 10:36 link http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-unix-command-run-execute-bin-files-in-linux/
- supposedly jdk working then tried getting siptosis working
- after work Michelle changed partition so I could use 32GB instead of 8
Friday 03-11-2016
- evening - >>>
- 22:49 link https://eltechs.com/run-skype-on-raspberry-pi/
Saturday 03-12-2016
- all day except when Nick's dad came by worked on Pi/Asterisk at Eileen's and added x86 OS
- 08:22 voicemail from Nymeo when I tried to purchase x86 OS for PI
- 15:35 downloaded pk-000000001823.key
Sunday 03-13-2016
- -----?
- (hangout in Pittsburg with Nancy, Eileen and Nick, then trip home)
Thursday 03-17-2016
- 08:30ish I have MAC address of cell phone and laptop so I was adding them to Asterisk?
- (train chasing when I got home)
- 09:23 link http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+CLI
- 10:24 link http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Grandstream+Handytone-488
- 11:02 link https://simonics.com/gw/
Monday 03-21-2016
- -----?
- (RTS counseling w/Glen)
- 05:15 link http://nerdvittles.com/?p=621
- 16:28 home
Tuesday 03-22-2016
- -----?
- (RTS counseling w/Glen)
- 10:24 link http://www.thesitewizard.com/html-tutorial/learning-html-vs-using-wysiwyg-web-editors.shtml
- 16:50 home
Wednesday 03-23-2016
- early am spent setting ATA's to use DHCP and
then assigning IPs in DD-WRT router - 06:48 downloaded HT386_User_Manual.pdf
- 08:57 downloaded SipToSis_20130716.zip
- (groundhog tangeant when I got home)
- (then moved track switch around on porch)
- early am spent setting ATA's to use DHCP and
Thursday 03-24-2016
Monday 03-28-2016
- -----?
- 13:55 home after 54 min drive/call with Laura
- 05:51 emailed Laura this looks like its ~$6 for 20 pcs.. link
ie=UTF8&qid=1459158418&sr=8-167&keywords=2UF+CAPACITOR - (Roman's mom's funeral and stop at Grandma's)
Tuesday 03-29-2016
- -----?
- (midyear review notes)
- (Gwen bent my ear awhile)
- 07:24 link http://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/python_quick_guide.htm
(04-21-2016 Python may be able to access asterisk extension status???)
Thursday 03-31-2016
- -----?
Friday 04-01-2016
Saturday 04-02-2016
- 09:10 link https://sites.google.com/site/scr625/field-telephones-and-switchboard
- 12:21 Laura emailed me pic of sparkgap on top of switchboard with old wires still on it and missing coil had not been jumpered
- before noon until after 19:00 worked on cleaning switchboard
- 12:21 top rear terminal block unscrewed rear wood panel still not broken loose/unscrewed
- 12:44 pic of Laura taking a pic of switchboard then my mug on floor
her pic shows my mug in switchboard with operators unit and drops removed, no wires added/removed
terminals from buzzer in bottom, rear wood panel still not broken loose/unscrewed - 12:55 pic of wood panel on oposite side from operators unit unscrewed
glue broken and removed, battery box unscrewed, loose but still soldered in - 13:38 pic of back of switchboard with battery box removed and rear terminal block unscrewed
- (14:17 battery box removed, battery contacts removed and cleaned)
and rewiring operators unit (not installed as of 19:15) - 19:19 pic of operators unit laying on floor wired to an open/unterminated harness with name tags on wire ends
- 23:32 pic of operators unit wired in
- 23:35 pic of handsetjack/switch unit wired in
Sunday 04-03-2016
- -----? LOG IS BLANK...
- Another whole day working on PBX and switchboard
- I spent 2 hours just repairing buzzer bell
Monday 04-04-2016
- think I made switch plate this AM
this involved picking up side handle holes and drilling/tapping side plate to line up - painted panel when I came home before Charlie got there
- (Charlie came over for Spam, cheese and tomato baked meal)
- think I made switch plate this AM
Tuesday 04-05-2016
- 03:50 pic of switchboard in livingroom with stacked caps and measurement notes, switches already in and panel painted black
- 13:37 link https://books.google.com/books?id=itUXAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA5&lpg=PA5&dq=repeating+coil+c-161&source=bl &ots=8H3Hds4ZoU&sig=vxzEep0sCsfn7iGNds4unBK-K90&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiP5cSdhvjLAhWJ_R4KHbh-BSwQ6AEIKDAC#v=onepage &q=repeating%20coil%20c-161&f=false
- 13:40 downloaded TM 11-330 1-Dec-44 Scribd.pdf
- 13:40 downloaded TM 11-340 12-Nov-43 Scribd.pdf
- 14:17 pic of switches wired to resistors on side panel
- 14:18 pic of caps mounted to panel same size as coil
- 16:45 pic from inside truck parked in Laura's parent's lane (before going to get storm door in Sykesville?)
went with Laura to pick up storm door, came back to parents house, had poptart and then headed out and ran into James
we both talked to Jame, Laura headed on and I talked to him for another 20-30 mins - 20:44 pic of coil and drop harness removed
then caps installed next to coil - 20:54 went to bed
- 03:50 pic of switchboard in livingroom with stacked caps and measurement notes, switches already in and panel painted black
Wednesday 04-06-2016
- 13:39 pic of all drops removed and laying on ottoman
- 16:09 pic of cap plate painted black and installed and laced harness from top terminal block
- 17:25 Laura and Munch keeping me company
- 19:08 switch panel has harness made up and laced,
- 19:20 unterminated harnesses from terminal block and switch panel
- 19:56 unterminated harnesses splayed out to be tagged/numbered
- 20:17 harnesses tagged with channel numbers
Thursday 04-07-2016
- worked on wiring while filing sealants bolts in Wamsley's office
- 05:40-1 terminal block removed showing switches, harnesses still not terminated
- 07:36 harness terminated and harness for drops in place also in Wamsleys office
- 19:35 pic showing me on porch making field wire harness to go from switchboard to box of pbx parts
ATAs, Pi, network switch and router powered of AC adapters on 1 surge strip - 19:37-39 Munch playing around switchboard
Friday 04-08-2016
(5hrs+Michelle's hrs)
- worked on attempting to get wireless links working and used powerline adapters
Saturday 04-09-2016
- (moved furniture first thing)
- wired switchboard asterisk parts to run off 1 12VDC supply
Sunday 04-10-2016
Monday 04-11-2016
- after getting home ~16:10 configured 2 HT702's for remaining phone lines and evaluated using an empty microscope box to house network equipment until bed around 20:00
Tuesday 04-12-2016
- after getting home helped Michelle move table saw, vise, router, propane heater,
tail stand rollers out of container and floor jack, propane tank, jack stands, hydraulic fluid etc outof garage to workshop
this was in exchange for help looking for powerline adapters - (watched sunset with Laura ending around 19:40)
- had the idea that one of my meterless EE-65's could could be removed from it's case and network equipment could be installed in the case
- after getting home helped Michelle move table saw, vise, router, propane heater,
Wednesday 04-13-2016
- removed guts from EE-65 in morning? (was it night before? guts ended up in my office for a day or so)
Thursday 04-14-2016
- 06:09 machined aluminum faceplate to dimension and drilled hing holes
- 06:10 test fit faceplate in empty EE-65
- 06:31 drilled latch screw hole and installed temporary captive latch screw
- 06:35 determining arrangement for network equipment
- 07:12 determining device spacing on sheetmetal strip so I could make spacer tiedowns
- 14:33 devices in place with spacer tiedowns mounted
- 21:27 devices safety wired in place and 5/12V power system tucked into baterry compartment
Friday 04-15-2016
- 16:57 face plate painted and in place devices network and phone wired
I had drilled/tapped mounting holes for terminal block and painted when I got home
System running off 120V to 12V power supply - 17:01 ops checks continue with power supply
- went to Westminster starting ~17:30
- 23:27-8 ops checks continue with battery added back into system and case partially closed
- 16:57 face plate painted and in place devices network and phone wired
Saturday 04-16-2016
- Walk around road and Tim's party
Sunday 04-17-2016
- trench work at house for shed
Monday 04-18-2016
- documenting pbx in web page
Tuesday 04-19-2016
- Sick/fight day
Wednesday 04-20-2016
- documenting pbx in web page
Thursday 04-21-2016
- 1hr at work printing manuals, 1hr getting backup SD card at walmart
Friday 04-22-2016
- slept in, relaxed in bed until 10:30, Breakfast sandwiches?,bird pics 12:45, train vid 13:00
- installed new SD card after copying old image, read about and tested pbx/ATA's monitoring call status
Saturday 04-23-2016
- Al and Gene came over very little Ft Miles work
Sunday 04-24-2016
- Michelle and I discussng and testing reverse polarity
Monday 04-25-2016
- measuring and machining of faceplate, wiring of LED's
- testing resistance values and ultimatley removing resistance parallel to LEDs
Tuesday 04-26-2016
(2hrs + Laura 2hrs)
- 2 hrs off work, went to Lowes and got parts to make up 230 drier sub panel
Wednesday 04-27-2016
- 2 hrs going to Dominion for panel covers and then preliminary assembly
- 2 hrs off work
Thursday 04-28-2016
- late morning arrival for Event prep
Friday 04-29-2016
- Event prep/testing
Saturday 04-30-2016
- Event Day
Sunday 05-01-2016
- Service and Event cleanup
Created: 04/18/2016 13:17
Modified: 04/18/2016 20:57
Modified: 04/19/2016 14:23
Modified: 04/20/2016 20:51
Modified: 04/21/2016 06:01
Modified: 04/21/2016 15:09