Page 41
of the energy fed to the primary is available on the
secondary side, or,
Primary Energy = Secondary Energy (approximately).
There is one other type of transformer in which
we are interested-the autotransformer. In this de-
vice, the primary and secondary windings are con-
nected together metallically as well as magnetically,
as shown in Figure 32. The primary and secondary
windings are connected together and are both
wound on the same iron core so that any lines of
force that thread one winding also thread the other.
From the previous explanations it can be seen that
the voltages on the primary and secondary sides
are directly proportional to the number of turns in
the windings, just as in the regular transformer.
Thus, in the transformer shown in Figure 32 if there
Page 42
are 150 turns between b and c, 750 turns between
a and d, and 110 volts are connected across the
primary ad, then the voltage across the secondary bc will be
In Figure 33 is pictured an autotransformer with
voltage E connected to its primary and a load R
connected to its secondary. Now, in a transformer
of regular type, the whole of the primary circuit
current and of the secondary circuit current flow
through their respective individual windings. But
in the autotransformer the primary and secondary
currents flow in opposite directions through the
winding common to both circuits, so that the net
current through the common winding (winding be
Page 43
in Figure 33) is only the difference between the
foregoing currents. Thus, in the autotransformer in
Figure 33, just as in a regular type transformer
In the autotransformer, however,
which accords with the statement above that
It follows, therefore, that resistance losses in an
autotransformer are lower than in a transformer of
the usual type having the same size wire in its cor
responding windings. Conversely, less copper is re-
quired in an autotransformer than in a regular
transformer having the same load capacity and the
same resistance losses, which is an economic ad
vantage. The metallic connection between windings,
on the other hand, is a disadvantage in power work,
since it introduces the hazardous possibility of
obtaining the full primary voltage on the load side
of the device as, for example, if the primary circuit
is operating under certain abnormal conditions.
Page 44
Transformers in Telephone Circuits
In the telephone plant we meet with numerous
circuits containing transformers of one type or an
other. Repeating coils are transformers, some of
unity ratio, some of inequality ratio, the type
chosen for any particular circuit depending upon
the use to which it is put. Induction coils, such as
are associated with the ordinary subscriber's set,
are transformers; in telephone repeater circuits we
find still other designs of transformers and on many
telephone circuits we find autotransformers used
to improve transmission. It can be seen, there
fore, that transformers are of extreme importance
in telephone work, and in addition to theory some
knowledge of the plant practices governing their
use is essential.
In Figure 34 is shown schematically the circuit
of an ordinary subscriber's set containing an induc
tion coil. Here the fluctuations in current value in
winding 1-2 induces an E.M.F. in winding 3-4 and
this E.M.F. sets up a current which passes through
the receiver.
In Figure 35 is shown an autotransformer as usu
ally connected on circuits to improve transmission
characteristics. Here the inequality of the turn
ratio is used to raise the apparent impedance of a
Page 45
section of line to make it equal to the impedance
of the section on the other side of the transformer.
The autotransformer is used because it permits the
wires of the adjacent sections to be connected me
tallically, and therefore permits them to be used
for direct current signalling.
The repeating coil, which is one of the most com
mon pieces of telephone apparatus, has the follow
ing construction and operating features. Each coil
has four windings which are wound on a toroidal
or doughnut-shaped iron core, and as usually em
ployed, two of the four '"unit" windings are con
nected in series to form a primary or "line" wind
ing, and the remaining two in series form the sec
ondary or "drop" winding. In telephone work it is
essential that the two unit windings which make
up the line winding have exactly similar electrical
Constants, and to this end they are wound on the
Page 46
iron core side by side. Similarity between the unit
windings used for the drop winding is not so im
portant, so these, for economic reasons, are wound
on the core separately. Figure 36 shows the posi
tion of the unit windings on the core, and gives an
idea of the different methods of placing the wire
on the core.
On toll circuits, high-grade coils of special con
struction are used. In these coils, "stability" is an
important consideration, that is, the construction
must be such that the coil constants, particularly
inductance, do not vary. It will be appreciated,
from our discussion of magnetic substances, that
if the iron core of a repeating coil becomes satu
rated, the change in the number of flux lines for a
given change of current will become smaller. Also,
that due to the residual effect, saturation of the
core will influence its reaction to current flow. To
prevent this saturation, such coils may have gaps
cut in their cores, and these gaps filled with iron
dust. By this construction the reluctance of the
magnetic circuit is increased and the danger of
saturation is minimized.
Page 47
In addition to acting as a ''phantom" or "simplex"
coil, these transformers are frequently used to
match lines of different impedances. In telephone
circuits, it is highly desirable that all sections shall
have the same impedance, and since it is frequently
impracticable to build up a long circuit of sections
having equal impedance, we frequently use coils to
improve impedance conditions. For instance, if we
wish to connect a line having a characteristic im
pedance of 1130 ohms to one having a characteristic
impedance of 700 ohms we can improve transmis
sion on such a circuit by establishing the connec
tion through a transformer of such a turn ratio that,
looked at through the coil, the 700 ohms looks like
1130 ohms. In other words, since the impedance
varies directly as the square of the turn ratio, for
this case we would choose a coil having a turn ratio
determined as follows:
or as near that ratio as possible.