Jim's Log Missions #18 - #30
03-08-45#18EITORF, Germany troops and communication center
03-10-45#19ALTENKirchen, Germany communication center Road junction
03-11-45#20BReitscheid, Germany fighter air field
03-150-45#21PIRMASENS, Germany town and Road junction
03-17-45#22FRANKENburg Germany Marshalling yard communication center
03-18-45#23WORMS, Germany town
03-18-45#24KREUZTAL, Germany town
03-20-45#25Nr. Dulman Germany ammunition factory
03-21-45#26Koesfeld Germany town
03-22-45#27Haltern Germany town
03-23-45#28Dinslahen germany city
03-24-45#29Werthen Germany city and Flak area
03-25-45#30Weyerbusch Germany city - Road junction
Link Trainer Time 1 Noteworthy Flights 1 Noteworthy Flights 2 Missions #1 - #17 Missions #31 - #36 INDEX

Updated: 12-28-2008
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